نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس 7

رایتینگ آیلتس 7
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گرفتن نمره رایتینگ آیلتس 7 در سالهای اخیر دشوارتر شده و بیش از گذشته متقاضیان را با چالش مواجه می‌کند. در این مقاله برایتان چند نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس 7 قرار دادیم تا شما را با قسمت نوشتاری آزمون، آشنا کنیم. شما می‌توانید با خواندن نمونه‌های رایتینگ نمره 7 و تمرین آنها، سطح مهارت نوشتاری‌تان را ارتقا دهید. با ما تا انتهای مقاله همراه باشید.

ساختار رایتینگ آیلتس 7

برای پیشرفت در نوشتن، باید تکنیک رایتینگ آیلتس را بدانید و با جزئیات آن آشنا شوید. قسمت رایتینگ آزمون، در دو بخش تسک 1 و تسک 2 برگزار می‌شود. در تسک 1 شما 20 دقیقه زمان دارید تا جدول و نمودار ارائه شده را تحلیل و توصیف کنید. در تسک 2 رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7 نیز شما 40 دقیقه وقت دارید تا درباره موضوع داده شده، نظریات خود را بنویسید. لازم به ذکر است که تعداد کلمات در تسک 1 باید حداقل 150 کلمه و در تسک 2 باید 250 کلمه باشد.

نحوه نوشتن رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7

  • در آزمون باید با مداد نرم روی کاغذ امتحان، تسک‌ها را بنویسید.
  • حواستان به انسجام و درستی ساختار متن باشد.
  • سعی کنید ابتدا موضوع را خوب درک کنید.
  • از جملات کلیشه ای استفاده نکنید.
  • خارج از موضوع ننویسید.
  • یک مقدمه و پایان بندی قوی بنویسید.
  • در بدنه متن، قدرتمند صحبت کنید.
  • از جملات تکراری که حس کپی بودن به ممتحن می‌دهد، خودداری کنید.

نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس 7

در این بخش، چند نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس 7 برایتان قرار دادیم. بعد از خوانش نمونه‌های رایتینگ آیلتس نمره 7، یک قلم و کاغذ بردارید و سعی کنید پاسخ خود را برای موضوعات بنویسید. با این کار شما چند تمرین انجام داده و می‌توانید سطح مهارت‌تان را ارتقا دهید. لازم به ذکر است که امکان تصحیح آنلاین رایتینگ آیلتس در وبسایت هیراد وجود دارد؛ با رفع اشکال می‌توانید سریعتر به درست نویسی و نوشتن متن خوب برسید.

1) University students are increasingly studying abroad as a part of their studies. What is the main advantage and what is the main disadvantage? Which do you think is better? Studying abroad or not

Today, there is an upward trend for students who go abroad for higher education. As they choose this way, gaining experience in a foreign country and culture becomes eye-opening, while getting used to it makes them sometimes having a hard time. What I believe is despite all the hardships students can meet studying outside the country even for a while can be seen as a journey to  one’s true self.

The main advantage of studying in a foreign country is that person can experience a new culture and the way of living from zero. After they left their country, students may start to learn the complete opposite side of things done in another country which later on leads to get to know themselves more deeply as these people discover their unknown characteristics. For example, when my friend studied in Italy in spite of her introverted personality, she often found herself in a situation that pushed her to leave her shelf and being more open to the outside. This eventually helped her to be more comfortable with others. As can be seen, learning to live in a new country encourages people to do unusual but beneficial things for their future lives.

From the other perspective, studying overseas can be quite difficult to adjust to the new environment. Also, if a person has a different race, some societies may not allow them to blend in. It is commonly believed that racism is still the case in other countries. Indeed, during the pandemic period Asian students got threats because of the belief that they have coronavirus. The significant obstacle for international students is the foreign people’s attitude toward them that is not controllable.

To conclude, international students continue to study overseas for completing degrees from different countries.  The main problem for people going through this, is the difficulty to adapt sometimes, however if they can, students may take advantage of living abroad as it is a lifelong experience. From my point of view, it is better to study abroad, even though foreign students can be marginalized.

2) Countries should spend money on railways rather than roads. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

(Words 348)

Technological advancement has improved transport networks and communication systems to a great extent. Innovation of railways and roadways are the best examples of all, in this contemporary era. However, one school of thought deem that a substantial amount of capital should be invested by nations to construct rails and spend less on streets. This notion has flaws, which I strongly believe. All the modes of transport and communication play a crucial role in the survival of mankind.

To commence with, the construction of pathways is cheaper than establishing railway junctions.  Even from the economical viewpoint streets assist to carry goods and passengers within a very short period of time over a great distance. Moreover, more revenue can be generated if suitable pathways are in existence, which trains will not be able to produce. To illustrate, 11 lakh crore cash amount has been invested by the Indian government to build new paths in West Bengal, setting a 2025 deadline. Furthermore, 90% of essential commodities are being transported through roadways in India. Consequently, developing and underdeveloped provinces may look forward to this alternative and inexpensive rapid medium of transportation.

In addition to strengthening this perspective is that roads can pass through comparatively more dissected and undulating topography. Whereas, train-lines are susceptible to zigzag terrain and weather change. Not only do they require frequent maintenance but also monitoring regularly is needed, which is extremely expensive as well as a strenuous job to perform. Paths are more convenient to people, because door-to-door services are offered, which are cost-effective. Furthermore, these improve overall connectivity within a region considerably and put in a friendly relationship with neighbouring countries. Asian highway has been tooled by SAARC to develop international communication via land-routers, for instance. Routes are used as feeder to other ways of transport, seaports or rail-stations or airports, one needs to travel with help of them.

To recapitulate, nations are advised to tool the most advantageous, compatible and efficient transit mode, which is land-way in my opinion. Because future success is directly proportional to the improvement of the overall realm and integrating this perspective into work by engaging in prosperous pursuits.

3) Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. Why do they think so? What can be done to change their views?

Due to advancements in technology, air travel has become considerably cheap, as a result, more people are travelling to foreign countries. However, many residents hold the view that an increase in tourism is affecting their country negatively. This essay tends to discuss why some inhabitants have negative attitudes towards an increase in travelling and finally provide suggestions to change this view.

There are several justifiable reasons why people think that international travel is a bad thing for their homeland. First and foremost, due to the massive influx of tourists, local people are relocated from their locality to provide more buildings for the travel industry. Even coastal regions and urban areas are being developed to make enough spaces for tourists. Any development involves interference with nature thus contributing to negative impacts on the environment. For instance, in 2013 in Uttarakhand, India, there were several devastating landslides and flooding. Researchers came to the conclusion that it was a consequence of the soar in the number of travellers. Secondly, more humans in an area mean rapid depletion of natural resources and an increase in carbon footprints. Consequently affecting the sustainability of the country.

Firstly, residents should be employed in the travel industry so that they can also benefit from it. If touristry becomes their source of income then they would no longer have any objections to it. Government should educate and encourage the public to welcome visitors. Government should also enlighten inhabitants with the fact that visitors can help in developing the country and in raising its economical status. Furthermore, it is an indisputable fact that exposure to cultural diversities helps to broaden a person’s horizon.

To conclude, it is legitimate for citizens to hold grudges for foreigners due to the above-mentioned reasons. Nevertheless, if they are informed about the positive impacts of tourism, I strongly believe that it should alleviate their resentment.

4) Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. Why do they think so? What can be done to change their views?

Due to advancements in technology, air travel has become considerably cheap, as a result, more people are travelling to foreign countries. However, many residents hold the view that an increase in tourism is affecting their country negatively. This essay tends to discuss why some inhabitants have negative attitudes towards an increase in travelling and finally provide suggestions to change this view.

There are several justifiable reasons why people think that international travel is a bad thing for their homeland. First and foremost, due to the massive influx of tourists, local people

 are relocated from their locality to provide more buildings for the tourism industry. Even coastal regions and urban areas are being developed to make enough spaces for tourists. Any development involves interference with nature thus contributing to negative impacts on the environment. For instance, in 2013 in Uttarakhand, India, there were several devastating landslides and flooding. Researchers came to the conclusion that it was a consequence of the soar in the number of travellers. Secondly, more humans in an area mean rapid depletion of natural resources and an increase in carbon footprints. Consequently affecting the sustainability of the country.

Firstly, residents should be employed in the travel industry so that they can also benefit from it. If tourism becomes their source of income then they would no longer have any objections to it. Government should educate and encourage the public to welcome visitors. Government should also enlighten inhabitants with the fact that visitors can help in developing the country and in raising its  economical status. Furthermore, it is an indisputable fact that exposure to cultural diversities helps to broaden a person’s horizon.

To conclude, it is legitimate for citizens to hold grudges for foreigners due to the above-mentioned reasons. Nevertheless, if they are informed about the positive impacts of tourism, I strongly believe that it should alleviate their resentment.

5) Many people in society believe that having fixed punishments for all crimes is a more efficient way of dealing with criminals in the justice system What are the advantages and disadvantages of having fixed punishment?

It’s argued by many, whether having a fixed punishment for all felonies is a better way to deal with criminals in the judiciary. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of having one punishment for every single offence, and try to draw some conclusions.

To begin with, if every single crime is punished by death, everyone will be scared of committing even a minor  felony. This will make it easier for the court as well as the police to punish criminals, and help lower the crime rate ,for example, a recent survey in India showed that 30% of chain snatchers find this work much easier, as they are aware that even if they are caught they would hardly be sentenced for a  year in prison. As a result, they go on conducting crimes.

However, killing someone and jumping traffic lights are crimes on a completely different level, and we cannot give both of them the death penalty as both the crimes are different in magnitude. For instance, there are two offenders, one for littering in public places and another one for murder, waiting for their trial. Now there is not even a single punishment that justifies both felonies, neither can they be put on life sentence nor can they be set free by paying a fine.

To conclude, there are both positives and negatives of having the same penalty for all violations. In spite of the fact that it will help in lowering the crime rate, we cannot issue the death penalty for every minor offence.

6) The average standard of people’s health is likely to be lower in the future than it is now. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Whether the population of the world will suffer more health-related problems in future or will they have better immunity is a moot point. In my opinion, the average standard of public’s well-being will be lower in the coming years.

To begin with, it is true that people are likely to have more diseases in the future than they have now, the predominant factors which will affect their health are pollution and their current way of living. Human beings are the sole cause of these factors. The activities performed by them like emitting greenhouse gas and polluting the environment by cutting down the trees is indirectly affecting their health. For example, the findings of a survey conducted by the University of Toronto explains that people are likely to have 40 % more health-related issues by the year 2040.

On the other hand, it is also argued that the food consumed by individuals nowadays will also affect their strength at a later stage. The ingredients contained in most of the package foods are harmful to consume and although people are aware of them they cannot resist themselves to eat them. For instance, the result of a study conducted by a group of dietitians in Canada depicts that the eatery consumed by the young population of today’s generation will affect their health and they are likely to live shorter life as compared to their parents or ancestors.

To conclude, it is indeed true that a person’s average standard health will be comparatively lower in the coming years than in the present period.

7) Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others however, believe that scholl is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Discipline and punctuality are two qualities which every human being should have. Many thinks that it is a job of parents to teach children how to be a good citizen of society, whereas other think that they should learn it from school. I agree with the first thought and in this essay i will present my arguments and provide my opinion.

Firstly, children spend majority of their time at home with their parents. So influence of parents will be much more on them. So it is  a job of guardians to teach them and make them aware with a concept of respect, to every fellow citizen in the society. For example, they should provide a role model in their life or they can become a role model for them and provide them a comfortable environment to learn, to respect each other. Secondly, parents should also teach their children about their duties towards soceity, it helps them to build a character. For instance, parents should encourage kids to participate voluntarily in social work and community services. Last but not least, money management is also a quality which should be taught them by their guardian as it helps them in their in budget in future.

On the other hand, teachers also plays an important role in every students life. It is impossible for kids  to learn each and every aspects of life from their folks, in such case, teachers should come and play their role. For example, school is the best place to teach them value of discipline as it is a hard quality for parents to teach their kids. Discipline not only helps each individual but in generalize it helps to develop a better nation as each citizen are aware of their duty and role in the society. In addition, punctuality and time management are two important aspects of the life. These two virtues should be taught to students by their teachers. In such case, teachers should give them some task to complete within a limited time and who gets succeded in completing them within a time limit, they should be rewarded and make them a role model for others.

To conclude, I reiterate my opinion that it is a job of parents to teach children how to be good members of society, but it is also important that in some aspects teachers and school also play their role in this process and make each children a good citizens.

8) Large business have big budgets for marketing and promotion and, as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products. What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people to buy local products?

In today’s world advertisements play a vital role in community life. It is often seen that big companies have a big amount of money for brand marketing and promotional offers to attract customers to buy their products. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons for such a thing to happen along with suggesting possible remedies to resolve the situation.

To begin with, there are myriad causes for the development of advertising the first and foremost reason is that big national companies have made advertisements attractive so that more consumers are opting to buy the stock. Because that many families bought produce unnecessary and waste their salary. Another noteworthy reason could be in many advertisements the led role played by the famous actress or actor in advertising. As ,  result the crowd want to invest under the influence, of the shop many items  and they don’t buy from local shops. For example, in almost every tv Ad the famous personality is promote brand society asset just because of that reason, those  companies’ sales were increased local stores are shutting down . Moreover, the deals and offers they are showing were made to fooled consumers they bought commodities to save money However, local store merchandise is good in quality but the public preferred to invest from big markets.

On the other hand, the measure to resolve this issue at hand needs careful consideration. People have started purchasing from their local store could be the most strategic solution of this trend. Consequently, the local shop kipper can run their business also the consumer gets good quality and quantity crop. Another remedy to alleviate the issues could be nation can make the list of items they want to buy and after then they go  shopping that way, they can save money do not buy unnecessary commodities at home.

To conclude, the fact that big companies have big funds for promotions and as result society brought output that is not needed or lower kind .the remedial measure such as solution can be individuals asset from their nearly local shop so that they get a good natural crop and their business run smoothly .if the right set of intentions the issue at hand can be mitigated to a large extend.


It is a harsh truth that overweight act as a magnet to catch a number of diseases and if weight increasing is not controlled it can be fatal also. There is a number of reasons for the fact that obese people face major health issues and there are certain solutions also which are discussed in forthcoming paragraphs.

One of the major causes for the increase in overweight people in the present scenario is an individual’s lifestyle. Due to technological advancements, a person’s physical involvement in performing any task has been reduced. For example, nowadays house cleaning robots are quite popular  in that you just have to switch on the robot and your house will be cleaned. Without doing any physical activity and eating food our stamina gets weak and there are chances that such a person will be more prone to diseases. Moreover, young generations are fascinated by canned foods which are not at all healthy and contain a generous amount of fats which are not good for our cardiovascular system.

However, there is a number of solutions that can be implemented to control this growing concern of the overweight crowd. Firstly, the government should encourage people to indulge in healthy activities such as daily exercises and regular walks. For example, in our vicinity there are clubs and they organize cycle races every weekend and also declare winners. Another way is that celebrities should start promoting a healthy lifestyle on television and other social media platforms. As young people consider them as their role models.

To conclude, I would like to say that more people are becoming overweight due to the busy lifestyle and consumption of fast food. So, there is a need that certain events should organize by authorities that involve physical work.

10) Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and more creativity than reading . To what extend do you agree or disagree use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer?

In today’s fast-paced life,the trend of  children has grown at an exponential rate . Some like-minded people foster this thinking  that enjoyable activity with a child can improve  better skills and more creativity   .My view is in harmony with this ideology . The following paragraph trend to highlight some important aspects of this  issue

 There are numerous arguments surrounding my viewpoint , but the most important factor that needs to be considered is that children  cannot only contribute to involving games often lead to improvement in skills and creativity in young ones and I agree ,For example, but there was also a toddler, who started reading A-Z when he turned one, the baby learnt by watching DVDs and identifying his colours, alphabets and singing rhymes without being read to. But also lead to numerous others benefit in various fields . In other words , it is asserted that children help in improving also makes tasks easier to remember and more interesting. Enjoying activities while learning kick-starts the improvement of skills and abilities children need as they grow.For instance  , according to the report published by the magazine ,2014 edition , the proportion of children has increased by 30 % , therefore , children play a vital role in society

 Another key justification for supporting this notion is that children are only likely to help ine thrive and excel in varied areas by it is often believed that reading is another option for improving skills and creativity in children. For Instance, recent studies have shown that only reading should not be relied upon when boosting children’s competence.Needless to ,say along with the wide range of advantages , it offers , children also aids in I think the focus on reading should depend on the age of the children other words, teenagers should read more rather than young children as they tend to pay attention and understand better. For instance ,some scientific research undertaken by a prestigious university has asserted the grown of children is positive with development , Thus , children play a key role in society . Last but not least this is a vital part of human life

In the light of the above discussion , it is fair and justifiable to say that children can develop better skills and more creativity  than reading ,it should be promoted by all means.

11) Children who start reading earlier in life, perform better later on in their school studies. How important are early reading skills in a child’s academic performance? What other preschool factors influence a child’s later academic achievements?

Kids who achieve success in their academics are known to have been voracious readers in their initial days.

We can very clearly associate a kid’s good grades to their reading habits which were developed very early in life. Vocabulary is one of the foremost skills that is nurtured by reading. While reading new books and novels, kids are exposed to unknown words, which they can look up in the dictionary. This enables them to add a wide array of words to their lexical resource. For instance, children who read novels in their childhood have far developed vocabulary than kids who did not read much.

One other skill that the children sharpen with reading is their power to understand. As children read various books they tend to understand different stories and morals. This provides them with a foundation to have a better recognition of concepts in their school subjects. For example, children need to understand and picturise various physics theorems and laws. When they have experience in understanding plots of novels, they will have a better catch on such physics theorems and laws.

In addition to reading skills, mathematics is a wonderful skill to develop in early schooling. We can expose young kids to a variety of maths puzzles in the form of interactive games. This would develop their knack to think out of the box. They will be able to visualise various approaches to solving a problem and this will be an invaluable skill to tackle their academic lessons. Consider an example of young kids playing with simple additions and subtractions early in their life. When they start their lessons in school, they will find it easier to calculate and arrive at the right answers.

Every great tree starts from being a seed that received various forms of nourishment. In a similar manner, reading and analytic skills are the crucial arsenals that kids need to hone very early in life, to climb the ladders of success in their future academics.

نتیجه گیری

در این مقاله چند نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس 7 را دیدید و با هم تمرین کردیم. برای آموزش دوره آیلتس و همچنین شرکت در دوره‌های آیلتس تک مهارت، می‌توانید از طریق وبسایت هیراد اقدام کنید. بی شک مشاوره و کمک گرفتن از اساتید باتجربه آزمون آیلتس، به شما در گرفتن نتیجه مطلوب در مدت زمان کوتاه‌تر، کمک شایانی خواهد کرد.

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ساعت کاری این بخش: 9 الی 20:30

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